Saturday, June 27, 2015

HoneyBee Armageddon

This report just in from sometime in the near future.

In response to the recent honey bee colony collapse across the US, Congress, sitting in emergency session,  has authorized the use of drones.

Diane  Wright
Honey and Pollen News Times
HoneyBee Armageddon

The QRCode links (with permission) to Dr. Maria Spivak's TED talk "Why Bees Are Disappearing".


  1. Bees are so important! We have a strong campaign here in the UK to protect them, to get the government to stop the use of pesticides that harm the bees. Great to see them in a quilt!

    1. The more I delve into the bee situation the more wide-spread I find it to be.

  2. Those of us here in rural America are doing our part by establishing beehives on our property. We currently have one very healthy hive and hope to split them into another hive soon. Beekeepers UNITE! Love the quilt; it brings attention to a growing problem.

    1. Yes, and keeping it healthy seems to be critical. Good for you!

  3. Brilliant! I hope we (humans) wake up and start cherishing & nurturing bees before "drones" become necessary. Great use of neon colors to highlight the unnatural aspect of the mechanical bees. I like the QR code too - now this is how technology can be used for a good purpose, to educate the viewer! :^)

  4. Love the blue bees with the QR codes! The more I look, the more I see - love the honey comb background and hand stitching - great fabric choice. Great message!

    1. The fabric is an ugly piece of silk that I bought in Portland. I layered it over black batting so the 'hive' would have a more ominous feel. It was fun! I also led to an interesting exchange with Dr. Maria Spivak ;^)

  5. This piece is beautiful and educational, Diane! I love it. I also made a quilt about bees disappearing before. It was back in 2009. At that time, we didn’t know why bees are disappearing, so it was sad when I created it. If you want to see it, you can use the link: Thanks for bringing this to our attention! It reminds people to pay attention to the ecological environment.

    1. Thank you so much, Sin-Chen! Lovely compliment and thank you for sharing your beautiful piece.
