Thursday, August 18, 2016

Rummaging through Drawers

by Lin Hsin-Chen

It seems justifiable to rummage through drawers for creating. It is so much fun. Which artist does not have a stash of long forgotten materials in the closet? The long forgotten materials are quite possibly the undesirables. I would like to take this opportunity to challenge myself. It is also a perfect chance for me to clean up my cabinets and put things in order. By doing this, I know what are available for my next work and what shall be discarded. Thank you, Lisa-Marie, for the topic.

I found some synthetic fibers and buttons. They are gorgeous, but being forgotten. It would be wasteful to throw them away. Although I have no idea how I will use them in my work, I would like to give it a try.

I wish you all have a wonderful time creating.

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